Thursday, October 23, 2014

What has Conservatism really done for USA?

I do have a question for Mr & Mrs Conservative wacko: After the historic inequality of Reaganomics "trickle-down" economic terror and Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave / War Profiteering... can you PLEASE tell me what Conservatism has done for the American People?

I know what Liberalism has done, Social Security, Medicare, Equal Rights, roads, infrastructure, banking regulation, weekends/good wages, Clinton surplus, a good attempt at affordable healthcare and the Clean Air Act.

NOTE: For anyone who thinks Clean Air Act wasn't important look at China. Big cities all over China look like San Bernardino, CA used to look like with smog before environmental regulation... (suckers)

But can ANYONE tell us of one thing Republicans/Conservatives have done for the PEOPLE? It is still about the PEOPLE right? Y’know, all that about “of, by, for”… (ya corporate Ho's)

I can’t take it anymore. 30 plus years of holier-than-thou, Right Wing mind-numbing ignorance, low grade thought processes, the threats, hate speech, fear mongering, 24/7 propaganda… PAID FOR by Nazi trust fund baby Koch Brothers types or foreign agents like Rupert Murdoch / Saudi Royals.

the in-your-face pathetic Republican Cult LIES just to one-up a Liberal, Progressive or Democrat. All the while, voting for Republicans over & over & over, expecting a different result. Insane maniacs who want to WIN ...even if they have to bring down the USA to DO IT!

…blaming blaming, finger pointing, wagging fingers at sane people, SMART enough to KNOW these stupid mofos NEVER take responsibility for their poor voting choices, using FOX News (sic), Limbaugh, Beck Coulter like BS to escape the SHAME! Never pointing finger at their CULT leaders who get get caught daily committing terrible crimes.

I had this degenerate idiot in my face, one day, blaming Obama for losing Iraq. My first instinct was to knock his ass OUT but instead I told him:
Yea? You really believe that BS after Bush/Cheney borrowed $2 TRILLION from commie China to turn Iraq into an Islamic State?  
(then I punched him , lol)  

SEE also: Bottom of the Barrel Republicans

Republicans act like tough guys on terror but Reagan cut & run after 241 Marines (and 58 French soldiers) were blown up in Beirut and 9/11 happened on Cheney’s watch. Why should the PEOPLE trust the GOP now? (unless you’re insane) I don’t think turning a BILLION+ Muslims against us is good for America, ya fear mongering degenerate, war profiteering scum!

©2014 by Spo101, SPQR & Frank from ABQ
 & caller who asked that question on "Think Again" w/ L. Nathan Hare 10-18-14

SEE also:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time to "take out" evil $ hoarders

Ending clip of movie "American Psycho" will remind you of  evil silver spoon, trust fund babies like the Bush Family, Koch Bros, Mitt Romney, etc...

I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half”, robber baron Jay Gould

Suggested reading: 
 “Pity the Billionaire by Thomas Frank

old Randi Rhodes Homework:
Harold Meyerson: Redistributing wealth upward


Saturday, January 25, 2014


Breaking news (not on FOX) on the disturbing concentration of wealth around the globe. All those trillions trickled up to to 85 silver spoon trust fund baby demon hoarders who own more wealth than 3.5 BILLION of the "little people"? This is unacceptable, we need people of ACTION, NOW!

We have a small army of boat-rockers, warriors, strategists, preachers, political scientists among a wide variety in our cyber think tank brain-trust who add to this site. From a sentence, quote, video, rant/rage, memories, experiences, street protests, whatever the fuck ever... DO SOMETHING!

THIS isn't a Conspiracy Theory ya bunch of silly, stupid, celebrity worshipping fuck'n COWARDS! There IS 161 rich assholes that started a CLASS WAR & want to make YOU into a radiation/toxic waste victim, lampshade or a slave... (lol)

JOIN US in this good fight, rich guys are kicking our asses...

Research resources:

3) Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate ... - Project Censored

4) William P. Goode said...
You MUST add "Americans for Prosperity" & other Koch Bros
financed shadow groups.Covert Warriors are watching $ hoarders 24/7

5) Anonymous said...
"Has there EVER been a better target than the 47 Traitors? I STILL can't
believe these incompetent fools did. Kill the warmongers"
6) ? 